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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  March 5, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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it" and not "the rachel maddow show"". that means you will be able to dvh tomorrow's show without missing it. tomorrow night, our new documentary, 9:00 eastern here on msnbc. tonight, the russian tv reporter who quit live on the air today in protest of the russian invasion of ukraine will join me tonight. and darrell issa did something today in a congressional hearing that you and i have never seen. >> the hearing is getting under way. >> major fireworks. >> committee chair darrell issa led the attack. >> he ended the hearing and cut off the mike. >> the ranking democrat, elijah cummings. >> i listed to you for the last 15, 20 minutes. >> you can't cut off a
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congressman like elijah cummings. >> you can not have a one-sided investigation. there is absolutely something wrong with that. and that was it? nope. >> mr. cummings said he had questions to ask. >> the chairman defended his decision to cut off proceedings. >> the former irs director -- >> he knew precisely that lawrence learner was go i think to feed the fifth. >> issa on "fox news sunday" said she's willing to testify. >> her attorney indicates now she will testify. >> we understand that she is again pleading the fifth. >> i'm so tired of lois lerner and the fifth amendment and cummings and all of this. >> we know what she did. what we don't know is why she did it. >> do you know what happened? do you know what the irs did? >> okay. when is the last time that this happened in a congressional hearing?
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>> ladies and gentlemen, seeking the truth is the obligation of this committee. i can see no point in going further. i have no expectation that ms. lerner will cooperate with us. >> mr. chairman, i have a procedural question. mr. chairman, i have a procedural question. mr. chairman, you can not run a committee like this. you just cannot do this. we're better than as a country. we're better than that as a committee. i have asked for a few minutes to ask -- now you're turning me off? >> what you just saw is the chairman of a congressional committee adjourning a hearing without allowing any other member of the committee to speak. when is the last time that happened? no one knows. you have never seen it happen. i have seen hundreds of
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congressional hearings and i have never seen it happen. no one working for the out of control committee chair who pulled that stunt has seen it happened. we asked darrell issa's staff in writing today to tell us when a committee hearing has not allowed another member to speak? darrell issa's staff had no reply to that question. darrell issa did not accept our invitation to appear on this program tonight. instead he appeared on fox news where he was fawned over and was able to bask in the ignorance of another fox news anchor. greta van susteren was the one tonight. she makes much of the fact that she was a lawyer, but she obviously has no comprehension of the law in the case that darrell issa is pursuing, which he calls a scandal and fox news
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calls a scandal. and the only way you can call it a scandal is if you have never read the law on 501c-4 organizations. the investigation that darrell issa says he's pursuing is how the irs has administered the law and regulations on 51c-4 regulation that's what this is all about. that is the subject of darrell issa's investigation. nothing more, nothing less. and you would think that congressman issa would have read at some point the very simple law on 501c-4 organizations. you would think someone at fox news would have done that. but they haven't. they won't. they never whether. i was the first to make the wording of that law public last year. but fox news and most of the washington media still relentlessly avoid the wording of that law, which is absolutely
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essential to understanding why absolutely nothing scandalous has happened at the irv in this story. the 100-year-old law as viewers of this program know says tax exempt social welfare organizations must be civic leagues of organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare. and then in 1959, president eisenhower's chief counsel at the irs wrote an interpretation of that have law, called a regulation, that says that 50 c-4's must be operated primarily, that was his word, primarily for social welfare. if there is a scandal here, it is this president eisenhower's irs, effectively rewrote the law from exclusively to primarily without any consultation with the congress, without the legal authority to do that.
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congress is responsible for writing those law, not the irs. that is genuinely scandalous that that happened. and no one at fox news knows that that happened in 1959. i have issued a permanent invitation for darrell issa to come on this program to have what i promise will be a civil discussion of his investigation and the law. i will begin that discussion telling him right now, by doing something apparently none of his staff have done. i will read to him the law on 501c-4 organizations. i will then read to him the regulation on 501c-4 organizations. i will then ask him how irs workers should interpret those two things? those two words, exclusively or primarily. should they enforce the law that says exclusively? or should they enforce the regulation that says primarily? it is impossible to enforce both. i defy attorney van susteren to
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read to her audience the law on 501c-4 organizations and then read the regulation, and then explain to them how she, attorney van susteren would interpret the law and the regulation if she were looking at the irs? which would she choose to enforce? the law or the regulation? because, greta, you can not possibly enforce both. irs workers with jurisdiction over these organizations will evaluate how much political activity 501c-4 applicants intended to engage in. they legitimately pursued those inquiry, and they pursued them about tea party organizations, republican organizations, democratic party organizations, liberal organizations, because
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the regulation they were reading compelled them to ask those questions. not everyone on darrell issa's staff can possibly be blindly ignorant to this. some of them know it. they know what the law says. but it is entirely possible that none of them have the courage to shatter their boss' fantasy about what happened at the irs. chairman issa is so protective of that fantasy that this is what happens now at his fake hearings. >> may i ask my question? may i make my statement? >> you're all free to leave. we've adjourned. the gentleman may ask his
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question. mr. chairman, i have one procedural question and helping you get to the information that you've asked. >> what's your question? >> let me say what i have to say. i listened to you for the last 15 or 20 minutes. i have one procedural -- >> ms. lerner, you're released. you may -- >> first, i would like to use my time to make some brief points. for the past year, the central republican accusation in this investigation -- >> we're adjourned. close it down. >> hear, hear.
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>> i'm not old enough to remember joe mccarthy's hearing, so i can tell you, i have never seen such shameful conduct by a committee chairman. but after her chat with darrell issa tonight, this is what greta van susteren's conclusion was.
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>> shame on president obama for not doing the right thing, picking up the phone and addressing his attorney general to aggressively and fairly aggressive. >> and shame on greta and every one at fox news who have never bothered to read the law on 501c-4 organizations that darrell issa claims he is investigating. joining me now, congressman jeremy connelly of virginia who was in the room today. i don't have to ask you if you've ever seen that before. i checked with the senate historian today. they knew of no such instance of this ever happening. a chairman running a hearing, adjourning it without allowing any other member to speak of either party. we checked with a congressional scholar we all know. he had no such example. what we have seen from time to time is once in a while people
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will turn off microphones, that kind of thing will happen, but as far as a chairman gaveling a hearing to a close without allowing anyone else to speak in my experience, that's never happened. >> lawrence, i couldn't agree with you more. i, like you, was a staffer on the hill for ten years. i have served as a staffer on one committee and as a member of congress on three committees. you have never seen a chairman abuse power and show the kind of profound disrespect for the ranking member, his colleague, as we saw today with darrell issa. >> here are some soft thing you never learn if you listen to darrell issa, whether it's in the hearing room or on fox news where he was tonight insisting they just aren't getting those lois lerner e-mails that they need. the irs has, in fact, turned over every one of the lois lerner e-mails in this case. they have turned over 500,000
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pages of documents from the irs to congress. there are 150 people working full time at the irs, not examining people's tax returns anymore, not trying to increase the revenue available to the treasury at the irs, through the irs, but 150 people working full time just to provide documents to darrell issa and these kinds of subpoenas. >> that's true, but i think we have to back up. this is not an honest inquiry. this is a star chamber operation. this is cherry picking information, deliberately co-lewding with a republican idea in the irs to make sure the investigation is solely about tea party and conservative groups even though we know it included progressive titles as
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well as conservative titles and that they were equally stringent. it was a foolish thing to do. and it's wrong, but it was not just targeted at conservatives. darrell issa wants to make sure that information does not get out. and it's been a very shameful thing under the sham of an investigation when it is not an investigation. that's one of the reasons he wants to have a contempt citation against lois lerner who is exercising her constitutional right to invoke the fifth amendment. the d.c. bar says that if you haul somebody who's already said i'm invoking my fifth before a legislative body, you are guilty of doing nothing but humiliation and pillering. and that you can actually be brought up for an ethics charge in d.c. at the bar for engaging in that kind of clearly punitive behavior. the quinn case before the supreme court, you mentioned the mccarthy era, going back to the mccarthy era made it very clear that the deference is always to be given to a citizen. their absolute right under the constitution to invoke the fifth amendment.
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darrell issa doesn't want her to be able to do that. he wants to bring a contempt citation before the floor of the house in order to humiliate this woman to make a case out of her because it's political. it exercises their base in an election year. >> if chairman issa ever lets you speak at a hearing again, would you do us a favor and try to get a question toward him on how he would interpret the conflict between the law and the regulation where the law says exclusively and the regulation says primarily? i think those irs workers were doing the best they possibly could with what is in effect a political evaluation they have to make on those applications. >> you couldn't be more right. if i went home to my wife and i said ours, honey, is an exclusive relationship, i love you exclusively. and that means primarily. i probably would be sleeping on the couch for quite some time. words mean something. and your point is absolutely correct.
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and don't forget, why are we -- why are we fighting about these words? this is all about protecting the anonymity of super pacs, the koch brothers and others. they need their anonymity in this election cycle. >> congressman, not my primarily guest tonight on this guest. my exclusive guest tonight on this subject. >> coming up, the russian government is still pretending that those are not russian troops who have invaded ukraine. is that a good sign? might that make it easier for the russian troops to eventually disappear back into russia? and another stunning moment on russian tv today. a reporter quits live on the air because she will not push the russian propaganda agenda. she will join me later. and in tonight's "rewrite" hillary clinton is rewriting. her first comments on ukraine were not supposed to become public last night. today, hillary clinton clarified those comments. that's coming up.
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>> i'm proud to be an american and believe in disseminating the truth and that is why after this newscast, i am resigning. >> that is liz wahl who will join me later. the latest on the crisis in ukraine is next. what you don't knorings] [prof. burke] at farmers,we make you smarter about your insurance,because what you don't know can hurt you. what if you didn't know that home insurance can keep your stuff covered,even when it's not at home? or that collisions with wildlife on the road may not be covered. and what if you didn't know that you could be liable for any accidents on your property? the more you know,the better you can plan for what's ahead.
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would have known none of it and claimed to the press that he had no idea that the ukrainian foreign minister was there. secretary kerry sounded optimistic after his discussions today. >> i don't think any of us had the anticipation coming here at this moment of heightened confrontation that we were suddenly going to resolve that here this afternoon, i think today was very constructive. without promising something that is not defined yet, without raising hopes that are inappropriate to raise. i want to be realistic. this is hard, tough stuff e and a very serious moment. but i would rather be where we are today than where we were yesterday. >> joining me now, the former ambassador to ukrain under both george w. bush and president obama. and steven cohn, professor of
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slavic studies. the fact that russia is denying these are his troops there and that their uniforms are unmarked, is there possibly something hopeful in that, in that since there is no formal russian acknowledgment that they've done this, that they may be able to slip out of there? >> i think so. i think putin does need to have a way out. what we're most interested in is not trapping h him, not boxing president putin. what we are interested in and what the world is interested in, certainly our european allies are interested in is a peaceful resolution of this that keeps ukraine united and sovereign. and if these mentioned, these discussions from -- these statements from president putin
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is -- that's not the point. we would like to get them sitting down and talking. if that's the way to do it, that sounds fine. >> i want to pull back to a question i've been wondering about from the start of this. in russia with all the details of the day, we've never quite gotten to, what is really at stake, who has control of crimea. is there something here that's an irreversible harm if this ended up being effectively or even russian control. >> one of the most fateful developments of our time. if it stands for decades to
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come, as my kids and my grand kids, they're going to live with dangers greater than attended the first cold war because we are on russian's border. to address whose troops these are, it's a shell game. it doesn't matter. the fact is putin holds all the major geopolitical cards at the moment. and the way out is negotiation, and you're going to negotiate your way out by acknowledging that russia has a case. it has a legitimate set of grievances that have to be met. if not, they'll just sit in crimea, which belongs to russia anyway historically, and the rest will be approaching cold war. >> would you say the number one grievance is the possibility of a nato membership in that ree sglon and would you argue that the west should simply say formally publicly that won't happen? >> you said it. i didn't say it.
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i said should they say it? >> i just said it. i would be willing to say that. >> i would be willing, too. i'm older than you, but we both remember. beginning of the 1990s, clinton began nato towards russia, even though we promised we wouldn't do it. it's come closer and closer, like pac man, gobbling up everything along the way, now sitting on russia's borders in the baltics. people had a plan, they say we're right, we should do that. that's not point. the brass ring was always ukraine. we're at the gates of ukraine and the policy backfired. i would end by saying that bipartisan, because this isn't democrat or republican. bipartisan policy towards russia has collapsed in this catastrophe, which is fateful. we need a new policy. >> ambassador taylor, what's your reaction to professor cohn's thoughts? >> well, a couple of things. first of all, crimea does now
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clearly by everyone in the world agree belong to ukraine. this is a fact. this is a legal fact that cannot be denied. it is also the case that i would not be in favor of the united states giving assurance to the russians that a country, like ukraine or others, who might want to join nato at some point in the future could not do that. i don't think that's something that the united states should do. that's a decision for the ukrainians. the united ukrainians, democrat ukraine, they can make that decision for themselves. it's not for us to decide, not for the russians to decide. >> but ambassador, on the issue of nato, it is the north atlantic treaty organization. isn't there some geographic definition title of it. and it's a military alliance. it's not an economic alliance. it's different between the eu
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and nato. those are very different things. >> they're very different things. you're right, there's an economic organization called the european union, and the question for the ukrainians is whether they want to join the european union on the economic term. nato is a political and a security organization. again, the ukrainians can decide if they want to join. i don't think the word north atlantic treaty should exclude people, nations who want to join. this is a sovereign decision. it's a sovereign decision frankly of ukraine, but also of the members, the current members of nato. >> eiffel like we're just beginning this conversation. we're out of time tonight. we will all be at this table discussing it in it future. thank you both for joining me tonight. coming up, chris christie is going to cpac tomorrow.
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the group that banned him from speaking last year, and in the rewrite tonight, hillary clinton has to rewrite hillary clinton. and next, the reporter on russian tv who quit live on the air because she opposes the russian invasion of ukraine. liz wahl will join me next. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪
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>> in the spotlight tonight, another stunning moment on russian television. last night we showed you abby martin voicing her opposition of russian invasion on her show. on an english speaking network that is funded by the kremlin. >> just because i work here for rt doesn't mean i don't have editorial independence, and i can't stress enough how strongly i am against any state intervention in a sovereign nation and its affairs. what russia did is wrong. i admittedly don't know enough as i should about ukraine's history or the cultural dynamics of the region. but what i do know is military intervention is never the answer and i will not sit here and apologize or defend military aggression. >> and then today, liz wahl went one very big step beyond that. >> last night, rt made international headlines when one of our anchors went on the record and said russian intervention in crimea is wrong. and indeed, as a reporter on
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this network, i face many ethical and moral challenges, especially me personally, coming from a family whose grandparents, my grand parents came here as refugees during the hungarian revolution, ironically to escape the soviet forces. i have family on the opposite side, on my mother's side that sees the daily grind of poverty and i'm very lucky to have grown up here in the united states. i'm the daughter of a veteran. my partner is a physician at a military base where he sees every day the firsthand accounts of the ultimate prices that people pay for this country. and that is why personally i cannot be part of a station that is funded by the russian government. i believe in disseminating the truth and that is why after this
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newscast i am resigning. >> joining me now is the now former rt america correspondent and news anchor liz wahl. liz, thank you very much for joining us tonight. i know this has been a crazy day for you. i have read, you gave an interview today to james kirchchick and you said that you had been thinking about this for a while, that you had been uncomfortable. what was the moment where it snapped for you and you felt you had to do this? >> i have been thinking about it for a while, especially in the wake of the oppressive anti-gay laws that were happening there. i have been thinking about it and decided now was the time, as we are approaching possibly another cold war. and i'm seeing the propaganda ramped up during this time, seeing exactly how, basically how this organization just
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blocks away from the white house is being used as a tool to promote putinist propaganda to try to make him seem like the good guy in this and to make the west seem like the bad guy in this. and i think the american people should know the truth about this network. and what its mission really is. >> your network, your former employer issued a statement in reaction to what you did today saying, when a journalist disagrees with the editorial position of his oer her organization, the usual course of action is to disagree with the editor, but when someone makes a big public show of a personal decision, it's nothing more than a self-promotional stunt. what's your reaction to what your employer said? >> i think they're trying to juxtapose me with abby. they're trying to say that -- trying to defame me in a way and saying i did this in the wake of what she did. in reality, we're doing two different things.
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abby martin is still with the network. she is -- the things that she says on her show happen to be what the kremlin likes. it's a narrative that they like. this is a narrative that i find to be prop ganist and i find it to be hostile. i resigned. i'm morally, ethically feel like i cannot be part of this network. and i think the american people should know what this network is truly about. >> and liz, abby says that she sees absolutely no difference between this kremlin owned and supported network and the network that i'm on because it's corporate owned. every other network is corporate owned. she sees no difference between a government-funded network and private funded network. the kind we have here in the united states. >> there's a difference. and that's something that's
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touted on rt. it's funded by the russian government, as you just mentioned. and there is a difference. i think there's a critique to be made about the media. you can have this conversation about objectivity, but it's different when you're promoting the foreign policy of a dictator of a dictatorial government right now that is coming out and telling outright lies about what indeed is happening over there in crimea. i did an interview today with ron paul, and interestingly, the part where i asked him about russian intervention, that couldn't even be -- that didn't even make air. those words coming out of my mouth that russian intervened, that didn't make air. after that, a news story aired painting the opposition in the ukraine as a neo-nazis, as being extreme part of the right wing movement. and that is ridiculous. that's absurd. the people should know what this network is about.
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>> i just want to explain to our audience. you are washington based, as is abby martin. and it's an english language broadcast that's not seen in russia. it's for international consumption. so the message that you say that the russian government is trying to control is one that goes for international consumption. >> right. it's meant to shape the views of people across the world, to try to make america look like the bad guy, a and to make excuses basically for putin, and to whitewash his decisions. and it's becoming increasingly more difficult, i think, and because it's becoming increasingly more difficult to justify his actions that they've been upping the propaganda war here. so it is what it is, and i think
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-- i think people should know what exactly this operation is about. >> liz wahl, thank you very much for joining us today on this very, very hectic and important day. >> very hectic indeed. >> and bringing your last word on your day of resignation to this show. thank you very much, liz. >> thank you. >> coming up, hillary clinton, hitler, seriously, and vladimir putin. hillary clinton rewrites i can download anything i want. [ girl ] seriously? that's a lot of music. seriously. that's insane. and it's 15 bucks a month for the family. seriously? that's a lot of gold rope.
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is protect the rights of the minorities, namely russian speakers. and he's been on a campaign to give everybody who has any russian connection, a lot of retired russian military in crimea, he's given all russian passports. now if this sounds familiar, it's what hitler did back in the '30s. all the germans that were -- the ethnic german, the germans by ancestry who were in places like czechoslovakia, and romania and other places, you know, hitler kept saying they're not being treated right. i must go and protect my people. and that's what's gotten everybody so nervous. >> that recording was leased by the long beach press telegram. event organizers had asked that the speech not be recorded. today, hillary clinton, as she used to do in the senate revised and extended her remarks. >> what i said yesterday is that
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the claims by president putin and other russians, that they had to go into crimea and maybe further into eastern ukraine because they had to protect the russian minorities and that is reminiscent of claims that were made back in the 1930s when germany under the nazis kept talking about how they want to protect german minorities in poland and czechoslovakia and elsewhere throughout europe. so i just want everybody to have a little historic perspective without making a comparison, certainly, but i am recommending that we perhaps can learn from this tactic that has been used before. >> krystal ball, she phrased it much more carefully today. she said it's reminiscent. last night she said it's what hitler did. >> and it's what everyone is nervous about.
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>> it was one of those things, it was a question from the audience, which is always where the problems come from. she was a little bit out of shape there last night on the precision with which we respect and the restraint with which we expect the secretary of state to speak. if she were john kerry today, she never would have used the word hitler. >> she's much more careful reen in a setting like that, your comment can obviously become public. even though she is no longer secretary of state, she is still seen as a leading voice of our foreign policy. >> so she will be judged by that standard whenever she speaks. >> absolutely. anytime you go down the path of comparing anything to hitler, to nazis, it does not make you sound like an intelligence, thoughtful person. it's way over the top in terms of a comparison. i think there was an instinct
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here. she was receiving negative press in connection to the russian reset, the republicans are trying to tie obama as a weak and feckless leader. i think there was an instinct to go way in the other direction to show she's very strong. >> not naive about putin. >> i see what a threat he is. but she went way over the top with it. >> today she said it today had a kind of scholarly air to it that i think was fine. it was a good corrective to where this was going. but i'm sure she's going to try to leave this behind. >> i would certainly think so. although even the way she phrased it today, you know, we're comparing the tactics of putin to hitler to learn from that, but to learn exactly what from that? it's still not a comparison that is ultimately very helpful in our foreign policy. >> and it's one of those things. she's at an event where no one is supposed to record or report what she has to say.
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>> right. >> it's going to happen wherever she goes. someone is going to record it. everyone has a recording device in their pocket. someone is going to do that. >> it also illustrates the fact that she's going to be in a tough place if she does run for president. in terms of foreign policy, she'll be attacked from the right, trying to paint this picture of her as weak, as feckless. and from the left, there's a danger as well. if you'll recall, obviously, in 2008. one of the things that derailed her campaign, she was seen as too hawkish for the liberal base. >> hillary clinton is the only one with a positive number. more people want her to be president than don't want her to be president. everybody else, all the republican, everyone else in it, more people don't want them to be president than to be them be president. we'll have more. chris christie speaks to an audience tomorrow that banned him last year. and his bad poll numbers, they
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>> chris christie gets some bad news from fox news. all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium. the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly.
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[ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ >> i'm sure everybody here is concerned about obamacare. what do we do? >> well, elect a new president, that's what you do. >> nicky yeah!
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>> chris christie is taking his now hopeless presidential campaign to cpac tomorrow. the conservative political action conference did not invite chris christie to speak last year because he accepted federal aid for hurricane sandy, and expanded medicaid in his state. but the cpac crowd is fickle. >> well, isle put it in a nutshell. if we don't run chris christie, romney will be the nominee and we'll lose. >> a year after anne coulter said that, mitt romney was warmly received at cpac when chris christie declined to run. >> romney of the four remaining is the most conservative. he has the strongest position on illegal immigration. he has consistently, and i must tell you, right wingers, after obama care, the single most
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important issue is illegal immigration. >> and of course, at last year's cpac, ann coulter turned against chris christie. >> do you believe chris christie should have been invited to cpac is this year? >> did you see his convention speech? >> yes. >> it was really bad. and i must say, though i have loved chris christie, i'm now a single issue voter against amnesty. so christie is off my list. >> a new national fox news poll out today asked would chris christie be a good president? only 24% of registered voters said yes. 52 said no. in that same poll a year ago, 37% said he would be a good president. 33% said he would not be a good president. ari, these fox news poll numbers tell the story for chris
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christie. this dream of his, i believe, is over. and has been over since the day he gave that big press conference about the bridge. >> yeah, there has been in what we call in politics significant slippage for him. i think you didn't even get into his cpac poll numbers. it's a straw poll. unscientific. >> there's nothing stopping you. >> his 2013 cpac poll, he came in at a paltry 7%. i will submit to you that cpac is the only polling universe on earth where his number will go up this year. and that complements the point you're making, right? most normal voters who have taken a look at this, even though there's no direct link proven yet to him have seen a number of aides resign over really terrible, petty bullying and quite possibly illegal throughout his administration. and they said i don't want to give that guy a pro-potion. and cpac, which didn't invite him last year has now invited him.
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this is the one upside because the fact that he now looks like a beleaguered conservative endeers him to some of those folks. >> if "the new york times" is giving him a hard time, which i mean reporting accurately on him, or if we are, then he must be a good guy for cpac. the poll showed only hillary clinton, you know with a number, with a positive number on this. would she be a good president? 50% say yes. 47% say no. those numbers don't look fantastic, but nobody else has a positive yes number in this thing. rand paul, 28% say he would be a good president. 49% say he would not be a good president. >> yeah. and look, outside of political junkies and highly ideologically motivated people, the biggest
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issue when you look at a potential president and you don't know a lot about them is their leadership and their competence. that's the chris christie problem, right? there isn't a group of voters out there that wants you to use traffic to go after your political enemies. there isn't a group of voters out there that has any angle on this. so unlike some of the most harsh political issues. chris christie, there's no belief system here. there's just the fact that there was incompetence or rank corruption. >> i don't know what christie is going to say tomorrow, but i know what he's not going to say. and it's a line from his state budget address. let's listen to this. >> i'm proud to have made the decision to expand medicaid and provide greater access to health care for new jersians truly in need. >> he ain't going to get a standing ovation for that. >> no. and in the other clip, h esaid i don't like obamacare. but on the detail, he doesn't want to admit to being moderate on some of this. >> ari melber, thank you.
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point of order. let's play "hardball." ♪ good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with this. the nonstop partisan attack it is on our president remind me of the joke about the young postal worker when the postmaster told him he was the fastest mail sorter he'd seen, his response was you just wait until i learn how to read. the right wing assault on president obama is just like that. nothing to do with the information, only with the relentless e desire to throw punches at the white house so fast people can't figure out what they're punching at. today on capitol hill elijah cummings had enough of the attack. >> if you will sit down and allow me to ask the question. i am a member of the congress of the united states of america. i am tired of this. we have members over here each